Uitvalsbasis ****
: herbestemmen officiersgebouw Tapijnkazerne tot hotel

  • P.M.G. Vriens

Scriptie/Masterproef: Master


Re-use plays an even more important role in the field of architecture nowadays. This applies to the re-use of offices buildings, industrial heritage and also military heritage. Maastricht is characterized by a riche military history, which already begins at the times of the Romans. After centuries as a fortified and garrison city the army retreated gradually from the city. This is also the case with the Tapijnkazerne in Maastricht. From the twenties of the last century soldiers were trained here. But also this is ended, therefore there is occurs a reuse issue for the military terrain at a special location in the city. The aim was to connect the Tapijnkazerne to the urban fabric and anchor the officers building in the park. At urban level the barracks are incorporated into the urban fabric through splitting the area into a number of zones. With the statement 'Disconnect to connect' there is created a vision, assuming a paradigm, that excellent suits the problem statement of the research. Looking at an area different than you normally suppose to do , is the merit of the research to the artists and their use of spaces that have lost its function. The problem is the enclosure of the barracks, an enclave in the city. The inaccessibility of the terrain by different barriers will need to be addressed. By to bringing a large number of functions in the area that can be used by the people from Maastricht, the terrain will be more accessible to the public. A part of the terrain will also be re-used with care facilities to respond to the low level of health of the people in Maastricht. Another part of the terrain will be part of the park, making better use of the available qualities. Historical elements such as the Jekerloop and the Jekerschans will be just as chalk lines in the landscape to show the history of the place. The officer's building which is part of the park zone will be re-used with a recreational function, namely a hotel. The officer's building was built in the 1950s in the reconstruction period. Functionalism and traditionalism found together a way in new designs from that era. The officer's building is also characterized by steel frames, concrete construction and flexible design from the 'Nieuwe Bouwen' and decorative masonry according to the 'Delftse School'. The curved line that comes back in the staircase and extension of the officer's building are a result of the inspiration of the architects of Genius; Sybold van Ravesteyn. For the re-use of the officer's building is chosen for the 1 + 1 = 1 approach. Hereby the old building and the new construction form one whole. Important is to preserve the essence of the re-using building. In the case of the officer's building the essence is not the image of the building, but the constructive design and spatial hierarchical format. Also on building level the statement ' disconnect to connect ' plays a key role, albeit at another way if on the urban level. On the one hand by the concept of the base of operation, where the old military connections are partly disconnected, to allow a connection with the park. On the other hand on the internal building, less essential elements of the old building are being removed, to be able to make new connections with the new construction. The choice for the hotel function is dictated by the location and the former function of the terrain and the building. The barracks always served as a base of operation and the officer's building was a logie building. Within the hotel typology it is very important nowadays to be distinctive. A unique concept is necessary to get the guests to the hotel. Mostly hotels make use of extra amenities and facilities, such as wellness. But such as I am trying to find the essence of the building by analysing, this is also important within the function of the hotel. A hotel is a tool for the tourist and not an aim in itself. The hotel will therefore not distinguished by an extra amenity, but distinguishes itself by focusing on spending the night. Besides they are making use of all facilities that are present in the surrounding, making it no longer necessarily to be present in the hotel; ' All-in is all-out '. Looking back on the whole research it can be concluded that the design is a logical outcome of the research and the resulting developed visions. On the urban level problems that play in the area and in the city of Maastricht are addressed by the new design. In addition, the qualities of the barracks and its surroundings are better reflected by the new design. In the development of the design process also the re-use of the officer's building takes in a logical role. It emerged from a part of the urban project. The design is based on a well developed concept, which is supported by a number of researches into hotels and hotel typology. Also the relationship with the military history of the officer's building is an important starting point. With the concept base of operation a design starting point is created that fits within the entire plan. Within the design this concept had to be carried by consistently. The hotel mainly consist of hotel rooms and for other facilities refers to the city. By the technical principle of a box in box construction it is possible to slide the new construction (elements) in the existing building. Despite the loose elements the new hotel rooms form along with the old building and the park like environment one entirety.
Datum prijs28 feb. 2013
Originele taalNederlands
BegeleiderJ.G. Wallis De Vries (Afstudeerdocent 1) & A.J.M. Walraven (Afstudeerdocent 2)

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