A dynamic RC-network equivalent thermal model is constructed to analyze the behavior of a three-phase pulse-widthmodulated (PWM) voltage source inverter using silicon carbide MOSFETs (SiC MOSFET) as the switching devices. A Spice model containing parasitic parameters is introduced to evaluate the switching energy loss that significantly affects the switching device thermal behavior. A prototype based on SiC MOSFET is developed and tested to validate the proposed model. Furthermore, the model is extended to perform a generalized trade-off study consisting of different topologies and switching devices. It is shown from the trade-off study that a SiC MOSFET based PWM inverter is the optimal choice for the specific system discussed in this paper.
Modeling, development and evaluation of SiC MOSFET based PWM inverter
Xu, J. (Auteur). 31 aug. 2013
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master