In present times, contact moments between family members become more and more scarce. As children get older they develop their own personal life; they start going out, hang out with friends and start all kinds of extra-curricular activities. At the same time, at this point in time, it is not uncommon that both parents have a day job, since it is no longer needed to look after the children. In these situations, it often happens that family members miss the chance to convey a message face-to-face and turn to quickly scribbled messages that they leave around for each other. Field studies conducted during this project revealed that families appreciate these organisational messages but also feel the need to exchange messages of a more social nature. To this end, the concept that is developed during this project, called Family Circles, makes messages more personal by utilizing the emotional power of voice messaging. Furthermore it attempts to stimulate family members to not only leave messages of an organisational nature but also to leave messages for a social purpose. In addition, Family Circles encourages family members to respond to others messages by recording a new message or interact with the newly heard message.
Family circles: enriching transitory messaging within the home
Schatorjé, R. J. W. (Auteur). 31 jan. 2011
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master