Dynamics of a linear array of vortices in a shallow fluid layer

  • K.H.L. In de Braekt

Scriptie/Masterproef: Master


In this thesis we experimentally study a linear array of vortices in a shallow fluid layer. The flow is driven by time-(in)dependent electromagnetic forcing. In particular, we measure the velocity, its gradient, and the distance between stagnation points along the centerline of the container. Moreover, we study the corresponding fluctuations of such quantities. This is accomplished via Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). For time-independent forcing, we show that the velocity and its gradient monotonically increase for increasing voltage. The experimental results for the scaling of such quantities is partially described by a phenomenological theory. As for time-dependent forcing, we find resonant frequencies for the transverse velocity fluctuations, the velocity gradient, and its corresponding fluctuations. In terms of such frequencies, we perform rescalings and reveal self-similar properties of the flow.
Datum prijs31 jul. 2009
Originele taalEngels
BegeleiderF. Fontenele Araujo Junior (Afstudeerdocent 1), Ruben R. Trieling (Afstudeerdocent 2) & G.J.F. van Heijst (Afstudeerdocent 2)

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