Analysis and Comparison of a Slew Rate Controlled and a Resistive Gate Driver for 1700V SiC MOSFETs

  • Berrie Dirks

    Scriptie/Masterproef: Master


    slew rate controlled driver topology is currently
    used to drive silicon IGBTs (Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor) in
    railway traction inverters. Controlling the slew rate of the voltage
    during switching is beneficial for lowering EMI (Electromagnetic
    Interference), reduces the size (or even eliminates) the need for
    an output filter and prevents accelerated the ageing of motor
    winding insulation. For advancement to a new generation of
    WBG (Wide Bandgap) semiconductor devices, the switching
    behaviour of SiC (Silicon Carbide) MOSFETs (Metal Oxide
    Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) is investigated. A slew
    rate controlled gate drive concept is analysed and compared
    with a conventional resistive driver considering 1700V SiC
    MOSFETs. The switching behaviour is simulated and compared
    with measured data using a double pulse test.
    The controlled driver is able to control slew rates during
    switching and the waveforms match with simulations. The measured
    waveforms are used to determine the switching losses with
    some success. In addtion, a caloric measurement is discussed to
    determine the switching losses more accurately.
    Datum prijs12 okt. 2018
    Originele taalEngels
    BegeleiderHenk Huisman (Afstudeerdocent 1)

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