A boundary element method for microscopic Stokes flow in deep drawing processes

  • B.J. Brasjen

Scriptie/Masterproef: Master


A boundary element code has been developed for the calculation of the flow in microscopic two-dimensional domains. The code is based on a boundary integral formulation of Stokes flow, which is discretized and solved using an iterative solver. The code offers possibilities for extensions regarding the behavior and interactions of multiple fluids. These extensions are essential steps towards a microgeometry model of deep drawing friction, which is an important research topic for Corus RD&T and its clients in the automotive industry. Special attention has been paid to the discretization of the geometry, calculation of the Green's functions and computation of singular integrals. The code has been validated using the flow between two flat, parallel walls in op posite motion, which has led to the theoretically expected result commonly known as Couette flow. In addition, calculations have been performed on a similar geometry with one of the walls being rough. The results from these calculations have proven to be numerically stable and to show expected behavior. Calculations on more complex geometries have not been successful as the iterative solver has not been able to find a convergence solution.
Datum prijs31 aug. 2008
Originele taalEngels
BegeleiderBernard J. Geurts (Afstudeerdocent 1)

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