Water soluble fullerenes with antiviral activity

S.H. Friedman (Uitvinder), R.F. Schinazi (Uitvinder), F. Wudl (Uitvinder), C.L. Hill (Uitvinder), D.L. Decamp (Uitvinder), R.P. Sijbesma (Uitvinder), G.L. Kenyon (Uitvinder)

Onderzoeksoutput: OctrooiOctrooi-publicatie

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A water soluble derivative of buckministerfullerene (C60) having antiviral and virucidal properties is used to inhibit human retroviral replication and infections. The derivatized fullerene is symmetrically substituted with polar organic moieties containing 1 to 20 carbon atoms and optionally further containing oxygen or nitrogen.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 27 jul. 1995


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