Ultra fast imaging NMR method for measuring fast transport processes in thin porous media

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Measuring moisture distributions during fast transport processes in thin porous media is a challenging task. In this paper, Ultra Fast Imaging (UFI) NMR is proposed as a valuable measurement technique for investigating moisture uptake in porous media by achieving a temporal resolution of 10 ms and spatial resolution between 14.5 and 18 μm. This paper gives a detailed explanation about the methodology and the interpretation of the signal intensity. It is shown that there exist specific T 1- and T 2- relaxation time conditions for performing UFI experiments with signal-to-noise ratios that are sufficiently high. In most cases, a contrast agent is required to optimize these relaxation times and achieve the optimal measurement conditions. In the first part of this paper, both CuSO4 and Clariscan are discussed as possible contrast agents. Furthermore, it is shown that the signal intensity can be linked to the moisture content for water based liquids. The second part of this paper covers penetration experiments on porous PVDF membranes. These measurements show that the technique is able to measure moisture profiles during fast capillary penetration and allows to extract moisture front positions. Those front positions follow a linear time behavior in PVDF membranes. Lastly the NMR-measurements showed similar results when compared to scanning absorptometry (ASA).

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)61-74
Aantal pagina's14
TijdschriftMagnetic Resonance Imaging
StatusGepubliceerd - nov. 2023

Bibliografische nota

Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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