The extended and generalized rank weight enumerator of a code

R.P.M.J. Jurrius, G.R. Pellikaan

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageAcademicpeer review


This paper investigates the rank weight enumerator of a code over L, where L is a finite extension of a field K. This is a generalization of the case where K = F_q and L = F_{q^m} of Gabidulin codes to arbitrary characteristic. We use the notion of counting polynomials, to define the (extended) rank weight enumerator, since in this generality the set of codewords of a given rank weight is no longer finite. Also the extended and generalized rank weight enumerator are studied in analogy with previous work on codes with respect to the Hamming metric.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelComputer Algebra in Coding Theory and Cryptography (Special Session at 20th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, ACA 2014, New York NY, USA, July 9-12, 2014)
RedacteurenE. Martínez-Moro, I. Kotsireas, S. Szabo
Plaats van productieValladolid
UitgeverijUniversity of Valladolid
StatusGepubliceerd - 2014
Evenementconference; 20th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra; 2014-07-09; 2014-07-12 -
Duur: 9 jul. 201412 jul. 2014


Congresconference; 20th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra; 2014-07-09; 2014-07-12
Ander20th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra


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