The effect on the output of a luminescent solar concentrator on application of organic wavelength-selective mirrors

M.G. Debije, M.-P. Van, P.P.C. Verbunt, M.J. Kastelijn, R.H.L. Blom, van der, D.J. Broer, C.W.M. Bastiaansen

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

61 Citaten (Scopus)
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To reduce surface loss in luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs), we systematically apply organic wavelength-selective mirrors, chiral nematic (cholesteric) liquid crystals, onto the LSCs with an air gap and determine their effect on waveguide output. The highest output is achieved using a scattering background and cholesteric mirror with a reflection band significantly redshifted (~150 nm) from the emission peak of the fluorescent dye. The use of an air gap results in light bending away from the waveguide surface normal and, consequently, a redshift of the cholesteric mirrors is required. Up to 35% more dye-emitted light energy exits the waveguide edge after application of the cholesteric, and an increase in absolute edge power of 12% was found for a waveguide using a separate scatt.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)745-751
TijdschriftApplied Optics
StatusGepubliceerd - 2010


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