The DC-excited atmospheric pressure glow discharge with liquid electrode

T. Verreycken

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresOtherAcademic


DC-excited atmospheric pressure glow discharges in ametal pin-liquid electrode system are investigated in air, N" He, AI, N,O and CO,. Self-organization is observed in the case of liquid anode. The observed pallems depend on the current and the conductivity of the liquid. In the different gases tbe acidification of the liquid is studied as weil as the influence of the filling gas on the optical emission. The rotational population distribution of OH(A-X) is investigated in the context of the detennination of the gas temperature.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's5
StatusGepubliceerd - 2010
Evenementconference; IWPL 2010, International Workshop on Plasmas with Liquids, Hotel Okudogo, Matsyama; 2010-03-22; 2010-03-22 -
Duur: 22 mrt. 201022 mrt. 2010


Congresconference; IWPL 2010, International Workshop on Plasmas with Liquids, Hotel Okudogo, Matsyama; 2010-03-22; 2010-03-22
AnderIWPL 2010, International Workshop on Plasmas with Liquids, Hotel Okudogo, Matsyama


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