Slip-stick transitions of soft permeable particles near a repulsive wall

Monica E.A. Zakhari (Corresponding author), Roger T. Bonnecaze

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

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The behavior of permeable, elastic particles sliding along a repulsive wall is examined computationally. It is found that particles will stick or slip depending on the interplay of elastohydrodynamic and repulsive forces, and the flow in the porous particle. Particles slip when either the elastohydrodynamic lift or repulsive forces are large and create a supporting lubricating film of fluid. However, for lower values of elastohydrodynamic lift or repulsive forces, the flow within the porous particle reduces the pressure in the thin film, resulting in the particles making contact and sticking to the surface. The criteria for the slip-stick transition is presented, which can be used to design systems to promote or suppress slip for such suspensions.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)4239-4252
Aantal pagina's14
TijdschriftSoft Matter
Nummer van het tijdschrift22
StatusGepubliceerd - 14 jun. 2022

Bibliografische nota

Funding Information:
M.Z. and R.T.B. gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) (MRSEC under Award No. DMR 1720595).


M. Z. and R. T. B. gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) (MRSEC under Award No. DMR 1720595).


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