Separate electron-hole confinement in composite InAsyP 1-y/Ga xIn1-xAs quantum wells

A.Y. Silov, B.N. Aneeshkumar, M.R. Leijs, N.S. Averkiev, P.C.M. Christianen, J.H. Wolter

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageAcademicpeer review


Composite double qunatum wells made from materials with a type-II band line-up have been grown to realize separate confinement in real space for electrons and holes. We have observed a substantial blue shift of the lowest energy transition in such composite double quantum wells. The photocurrent measurements demonstrate a linear Stark shift due to the separate confinement in real space for electrons and holes. The charge separation is up to 45 Å in the strain balanced InAs0.42P0.58/Ga0.67In0.33As samples. The experimental results agree very well with calculations in the framework of Bir-Pikus strain Hamiltonian.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelProceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology : 17 - 21 June 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia
RedacteurenZ.I. Alferov, L. Esaki
Plaats van productieBellingham, Wash
ISBN van geprinte versie0819448249
StatusGepubliceerd - 2002
Evenementconference; International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology -
Duur: 1 jan. 2002 → …

Publicatie series

NaamProceedings of SPIE
ISSN van geprinte versie0277-786X


Congresconference; International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology
Periode1/01/02 → …
AnderInternational Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology


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