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Continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) has been proposed as a method for securely exchanging keys to protect against the security concerns caused by potential advancements in quantum computing. In addition to optical fiber transmission, free-space optical (FSO) channel is an interesting channel for CV-QKD, as it is possible to share keys over this channel wirelessly. The instability of the FSO channel caused by turbulence-induced fading, however, can cause a degradation in the system's performance. One of the most important aspects of CV-QKD is the reconciliation step, which significantly impacts the performance of the CV-QKD system. Hence, rate-adaptive reconciliation is necessary for CV-QKD over FSO to combat the fluctuations in the channel and improve secret key rates (SKRs). Therefore, in this paper, we simulate the impact of discrete modulation on the reconciliation efficiency and consider the use of $d$-dimensional reconciliation with $d > 8$ to mitigate this impact, improving reconciliation efficiencies by up to 3.4%. We validate our results by experimentally demonstrating CV-QKD over a turbulent FSO link and demonstrate SKR gains by up to 165%. Furthermore, we optimise the reconciliation efficiency for FSO links, achieving additional SKR gains of up to 7.6%.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's10
StatusGepubliceerd - 22 aug. 2024

Bibliografische nota

Pre-print, submitted for journal review


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