Quantitative measurement of sliding friction dynamics at mesoscopic scales : the lateral force apparatus

C.P. Hendriks, W.P. Vellinga

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

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We describe an apparatus designed to quantitatively measure friction dynamics at the mesoscopic scale. This lateral force apparatus, LFA, uses double parallel leaf springs in leaf-spring units as force transducers and two focus error detection optical heads, optical heads, to measure deflections. The design of the leaf-spring units is new. Normal spring constants are in the range of 20–4000 N/m, and lateral spring constants are 7–1000 N/m. The optical heads combine a 10 nm sensitivity with a useful range of about 100 µm. The proven range of normal forces is 400 nN–150 mN. The leaf-spring units transduce friction and normal forces independently. Absolute values of normal and friction forces are calibrated. Typical errors are less than 10%. The calibration is partly in situ, for the sensitivity of the optical heads, and partly ex situ for the normal and lateral spring constants of the leaf-spring units. There is minimal coupling between the deflection measurements in the lateral and normal directions. This coupling is also calibrated in situ. It is typically 1% and can be as low as 0.25%. This means that the displacements of the tip can be measured accurately in the sliding direction and normal to the surface. Together, these characteristics make the LFA, well suited for quantitative study of friction dynamics at mesoscopic scales. Furthermore the design of the leaf-spring unit allows exchange of tips which may be fabricated (e.g., etched) from wire material (d0.4 mm) and can have customized shapes, e.g., polished flat squares. The ability of the LFA to study friction dynamics is briefly illustrated by results of stick-slip measurements on soft polymer surfaces.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)2391-2402
TijdschriftReview of Scientific Instruments
Nummer van het tijdschrift6
StatusGepubliceerd - 2000


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