Product based workflow support : a recommendation service for dynamic workflow execution

I.T.P. Vanderfeesten, H.A. Reijers, W.M.P. Aalst, van der

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapportAcademic

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Product Based Workflow Design (PBWD) is a revolutionary and successful new approach to workflow process support. A description of the product, the Product Data Model (PDM), is central in this approach. While other research so far has focused on deriving a process model from the PDM, this paper presents a way to directly execute the PDM, leading to a more dynamic and flexible support for the workflow process. Based on the information available for a case the next step to be performed is determined using a strategy of e.g. lowest cost or shortest processing time. A prototype implementing these execution recommendations is presented.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieEindhoven
UitgeverijBPMcenter. org
Aantal pagina's15
StatusGepubliceerd - 2008

Publicatie series

NaamBPM reports


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