Precision engineering : from pre-polishing to deep-hole drilling

A. Bos, M. Steinbuch, P. Shore, X.P. Tonnellier

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Cranfield University designs and produces top-of-the-art precision machines for machining, grinding and polishing, but they use commercial machines as well. One of its specialties is producing precision optics, but projects in other fields are not uncommon. This traineeship involves measurement of static and dynamic responses of a low cost robot based equipment towards implementation instrumentations required for a smoothing process. Steps towards automatic measurement and error compensation programs have been made. Another subject of this traineeship involves designing an in situ measurement device that can measure the straightness of a deep-drilled-hole with a diameter of 25 mm within at least 6 arc second (about 30 ??m/m) over a length of 3 m of which a detailed design is presented.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieEindhoven
UitgeverijEindhoven University of Technology
StatusGepubliceerd - 2011

Publicatie series



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