Power to the People? Civic Engagement with Small-scale Hydroelectric Plants in India

Onderzoeksoutput: ScriptieDissertatie 4 (Onderzoek NIET TU/e / Promotie NIET TU/e)


The importance of renewable energy technologies is increasingly recognized. It is generally assumed that renewable energy technologies are unproblematic due to their small-scale and their green and clean image. But how are these technologies actually working on the ground?
In my dissertation I studied forms, contents and consequences of civic engagement with small-scale hydroelectric plants in India. I show that the social acceptance of renewable energy technologies is not straightforward, despite their benign image and their small scale. Providing power to people has as much to do with electricity as it has with social and contextual issues.
Originele taal-2Engels
KwalificatieDoctor in de Filosofie
Toekennende instantie
  • Maastricht University
  • Bijker, Wiebe E., Promotor, Externe Persoon
  • Conzelmann, Thomas, Co-Promotor, Externe Persoon
Datum van toekenning12 dec. 2012
Plaats van publicatieDen Bosch
Gedrukte ISBN's9789088915253
StatusGepubliceerd - 12 dec. 2012
Extern gepubliceerdJa

Bibliografische nota

Proefschrift Universiteit Maastricht.


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