OpenNFCSense: Open-Source Library for NFCSense

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageAcademicpeer review


OpenNFCSense is an open-source library for NFCSense, a system for detecting the movements of near-field communication (NFC) tags using a commodity, low-cost RC522 NFC reader. With a user-defined tag profile, the users can use its application programming interface (API) to obtain the NFC tagged objects' motion speed, motion frequency, and motion type while recognizing these tagged objects. Since NFC tags support straightforward augmentation to existed physical objects, such as modular building blocks and mechanical toys, OpenNFCSense offers an easy and safe method for rapid prototyping tangible user interfaces for designers.

Originele taal-2Engels
TitelAdjunct Publication of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2021
UitgeverijAssociation for Computing Machinery, Inc
Aantal pagina's3
ISBN van elektronische versie9781450386555
StatusGepubliceerd - 10 okt. 2021
Evenement34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2021 - Virtual, Online, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Duur: 10 okt. 202114 okt. 2021
Congresnummer: 34


Congres34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST 2021
Verkorte titelUIST'21
Land/RegioVerenigde Staten van Amerika
StadVirtual, Online

Bibliografische nota

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Owner/Author.


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