Omni-channel logistics : state of the art

T. van Woensel (Redacteur), A.D. Broft (Redacteur)

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportBoekredactieProfessioneel

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This book is the result of a first-time cooperation between the Association of Logistics Designers (VLO) and the European Supply Chain Forum (eSCF) – both closely related to university and having knowledge sharing as its focal points. It contains chapters that combine university professors or researchers from eSCF with logistics designers from VLO.
Omni-channel logistics is becoming more and more the buzzword in the logistics and supply chain world. Both online and offline retail companies see it as a way to broaden their offering to customers.
The key question is how this is happening and how the relevant supply processes need to be adapted to handle this omni-channel thinking.
This book gives an interesting overview of the current state-of-the-art in the literature and practice related to omni-channel logistics. All relevant decision problems are reviewed and discussed in detail. Clearly, the world is changing as we speak. Nevertheless, we aimed to give a complete overview of the current evolution. A number of real-life cases are offered and discussed, as such
complementing the academic literature. We are indebted to 17 more authors from both our associations that have put effort into establishing a logistics designer’s view on omni-channel logistics.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieEindhoven
UitgeverijTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven
Aantal pagina's176
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-386-4063-1
StatusGepubliceerd - 8 apr. 2016


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