Numerical modeling of diesel spray formation and combustion

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A study is presented on the modeling of fuel sprays in diesel engines. The objective of this study is in the first place to accurately and efficiently model non-reacting diesel spray formation, and secondly to include ignition and combustion. For that an efficient 1D Euler-Euler spray model [21] is implemented and applied in 3D CFD simulations. Concerning combustion, a detailed chemistry tabulation approach, called FGM (Flamelet Generated Manifold), is adopted. Results are compared with EHPC (Eindhoven High Pressure Cell) experiments, data from Sandia and IFP. The newly created combination of the 1D spray model with 3D CFD gives a good overall performance in terms of spray length and shape prediction, and also numerically it has advantages above Euler-Lagrange type models. Together with the FGM, also auto-ignition and a flame lift-off length is achieved.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 2008

Bibliografische nota

Proceedings of the Combustion Reseach and Application (COMBURA 2008), 10 October, 2008, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands - Book of Abstracts


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