Modeling the pothole road

M.A.F. Backx, H. Nijmeijer (Begeleider), R.M.J. Liebregts (Begeleider)

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapportAcademic

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DAF manufactures and sells trucks in Brazil. The roads in Brazil correspond to a heavy duty load spectrum. This is due to the large holes in the roads, which exert a heavy load on the truck. Quality, durability and cost are important factors for designing DAF trucks. In the design process it is important to simulate or test the loads which are exerted on a truck. In order to replicate the severe conditions in Brazil the pothole road on the test track is used. This is a 200m long concrete road with circular and elliptical holes of varying depths. The problem with this pothole track is, that there is no road data available which describes it. With a model of the road, the response of the truck can be simulated. By comparing the outcome of the simulation with measurement data of the test track and of the roads of Brazil. The conditions in Brazil can be replicated by means of simulation and testing. In order to model the pothole road, measurements are performed at the test track. Every hole in this road is measured. These measurements are used to design two road descriptions in Matlab. The first road description is method A. This is an altitude map and is based on a rectangular grid. The pothole road is made by setting every grid element at a specific height. The tracks of the trucks tyres are interpolated between the grid points. The resulting interpolated functions hold the information, a tyre encounters while driving over the pothole road. The second road description, method B. Is based on mathematically described circles and ellipsoids. The trigonometric properties of the circles and ellipsoids are used to interpolate the tyre tracks on the pothole road. The resulting interpolated functions hold the information, a tyre encounters while driving over the pothole road. Each road description serves its own purpose. Besides the different approach of designing the road descriptions, they result in similar front axle simulation responses. In order to validate the pothole road model, the simulation responses are compared with measurement data of a truck driving on the pothole road. This validation is mainly done by comparing the PSDs of the front axle accelerations in z-direction. In order to cope with variations in conditions, and variations in truck models, the vehicle simulation model parameters are adjusted. The vertical tyre stiffness and front axle damping are adjusted such that the PSD of the simulation data is similar to the PSD of the measurement data. The tuning is done with a Response Surface Methodology, a key component of this methodology is the Design Of Experiments. These statistical tools are used to minimize the difference between the simulation and measurement data. The optimum model parameters are used to validate the road descriptions. The PSD plots of different measurements are combined with simulations responses. This shows that there is a lot of dispersion between the measurements. The simulation responses fits in the dispersion region of the measurements. So the simulations on the pothole road result in front axle accelerations that are similar to a truck driving on the pothole road.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieEindhoven
UitgeverijEindhoven University of Technology
StatusGepubliceerd - 2013

Publicatie series


Bibliografische nota

Internship report. - DC 2013.056


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