Modeling the cross impact of multi-energy player's price equilibrium in retail and wholesale markets

M.Y. Damavandi, N. Neyestani, S. Bahramara, M. Shafie-khah, J.P.S. Catalão

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageAcademicpeer review

1 Citaat (Scopus)


Integration of emerging energy resources in distribution level reveals new opportunities for decision makers to coordinate various energy vectors under the concept of multi-energy system (MES). In this paper, the behavior of a multi-energy player (MEP) who can trade more than one energy carrier to enhance operational flexibility of MES has been investigated. MEP participates in retail and wholesale energy markets to maximize its profit. The strategic behavior of MEP in these two markets is modeled as two synchronized bi-level problems. The problem is linearized and solved through CPLEX 12 solver. Numerical results show the behavior of MEP as a prosumer in the electricity market to make a smother demand and price profile. Moreover, the results reveal a mutual effect of local and wholesale equilibrium prices by increasing the market share of MEP.
Originele taal-2Engels
Titel2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech
UitgeverijInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Aantal pagina's6
ISBN van elektronische versie978-1-5090-4237-1
StatusGepubliceerd - 20 jul. 2017
Extern gepubliceerdJa
Evenement2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech - Manchester, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Duur: 18 jun. 201722 jun. 2017


Congres2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech
Land/RegioVerenigd Koninkrijk


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