Method of planning tasks in a machine, method of controlling a machine, supervisory machine control system, lithographic apparatus lithographic processing cell and computer program

N.J.M. Nieuwelaar, van den (Uitvinder), J. Onvlee (Uitvinder), R. Boumen (Uitvinder), R.J. Dumont (Uitvinder), H.P.J. Lierop, van (Uitvinder), J.E. Rooda (Uitvinder)

    Onderzoeksoutput: OctrooiOctrooi-publicatie


    A method of planning tasks to be performed in a machine derives a precedence graph by linking subsidiary tasks to a sequence of key tasks to create a scheduling problem that can be solved by an automated scheduler.
    Originele taal-2Engels
    OctrooinummerUS 7184849
    StatusGepubliceerd - 27 feb. 2007


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