Method of controlling a lithographic processing cell, device manufacturing method, lithographic apparatus, track unit, lithographic processing, cell and computer program

N.J.M. Nieuwelaar, van den (Uitvinder), J. Onvlee (Uitvinder), R. Boumen (Uitvinder)

    Onderzoeksoutput: OctrooiOctrooi-publicatie


    A method of controlling a track apparatus in a lithocell apparatus arrangement, is presented herein. The lithocell includes a lithographic exposure apparatus configured to expose substrates and a track apparatus configured to prepare substrates before exposure and develop substrates after exposure. The method includes predicting times at which the lithographic exposure apparatus will be available to accept a prepared substrate for exposure from the track apparatus, and adjusting a rate at which the track apparatus prepares substrates so that a substrate is prepared in time for acceptance by the lithographic exposure apparatus.
    Originele taal-2Engels
    OctrooinummerUS 7195407
    StatusGepubliceerd - 27 mrt. 2007


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