Matematické modelování a počítačová simulace tepelné bilance v technice prostředí disertační práce

T. Dunovska

Onderzoeksoutput: ScriptieDissertatie 4 (Onderzoek NIET TU/e / Promotie NIET TU/e)


This thesis concerns mathematical modeling and computer simulation of the integrated dynamic thermal energy balance of buildings and systems for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC). The research is based on the modeling and simulation environment ESP-r (Environmental System Performance – research).
Firstly the issue of quality assurance in modeling and simulation is dealt with by considering analytical and experimental validation and sensitivity analysis.
Comparing numerical results with analytical solutions for sinusoidal heat transfer through a wall shows excellent agreement. Comparing simulation predictions with experimental data from an existing classroom shows good agreement. Sensitivity analysis was used to evaluate the importance of uncertainties in input parameters and variables such as (measured) external temperatures.
Next, a general methodology for use of modeling and simulation is discussed and demonstrated with a case study regarding a university computer classroom. Thermal comfort and energy conservation are the main criteria for the evaluation of suggested improvements to the building construction and the HVAC system.
The applicability and value of modeling and simulation is demonstrated by several practical case studies. These concern: thermal comfort and energy conservation in a family house, analysis of a proposed air-conditioning system for an office, analysis of the thermal energy balance of a non-air-conditioned industrial hall and a study regarding the factors which influence the fuel consumption of panel housing.
A practical barrier for the use of modeling and simulation in the Czech Republic is the lack of representative hourly weather data. This necessitated the development of a Czech weather database (test reference year) as described in this thesis.
Finally some directions and suggestions for future work are indicated
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageMathematical modeling and computer simulation of heat balance for environmental engineering
Originele taal-2Tsjechisch
KwalificatieDoctor in de Filosofie
Toekennende instantie
  • Czech Technical University
  • Drkal, Frantisek, Promotor, Externe Persoon
  • Hensen, Jan L.M., Promotor
Datum van toekenning14 jun. 1999
Plaats van publicatiePrague
StatusGepubliceerd - 1999
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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