Maintenance and services in a DSM based product family platform for ship locks

T.S. Zwijgers

Onderzoeksoutput: ScriptieEngD Thesis

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This report presents a DSM-based approach for the analysis of system interactions in the maintenance of ship locks. The intention is to create a method capable of aiding decision-makers in lock design and lock maintenance. The method should be capable of identifying clusters of components with similar maintenance needs and clusters of components which are very influential on system performance.
Originele taal-2Engels
  • Etman, L.F.P. (Pascal), Begeleider
  • Rooda, J.E. (Koos), Begeleider
  • Houwing, Erik-Jan, Externe begeleider, Externe Persoon
Datum van toekenning31 okt. 2017
Plaats van publicatieEindhoven
StatusGepubliceerd - 31 okt. 2017

Bibliografische nota

PdEng thesis.


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