Atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) are plasmas produced at an electrode inserted
in a tube through which a gas is blown. They are characterized by their small size and their
non-equilibruim state, which means that in an APPJ the electron temperature is much
higher than the gas temperature. Thee energetic electrons and the high particle densities
at atmospheric pressure make that an APPJ has a complex chemistry, in which all kinds
of reactive species are produced, for example atomic oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N), OH,
NO and O3. The combination of the rich electron-driven chemistry and low gas temperature
makes that APPJs are useful for applications, such as the treatment of (heat sensitive)
surfaces, or biomedical applications such as decontamination and wound-healing. An
additional advantage is that the jet allows for remote plasma treatment.
In this thesis three different sources are used, which cover a large range of plasma
parameters, such as electron densities and gas temperatures. The sources —a surfatron
launcher, a coaxial microwave jet and a radio frequency (RF) jet—differ in electrode configuration, driving frequency (RF or microwave), and gas composition (helium or argon
with various amounts of pre-mixed air, O2 or N2). The jets are operated in an ambient air
environment resembling the applications conditions, and are subject to the entrainment
of air into the jet.
The main benefit of APPJs—the rich chemistry—is at the same time the biggest challenge
in research, and with the current status of the modeling efforts, experimental data is
still the most reliable source of information. The goal of this thesis is therefore to provide
experimental data to help understanding the plasma chemistry in APPJs. This puts high
demands on the diagnostics, which have to be non-intrusive, in situ with a high spatial
resolution, and able to cope with the high collision rates typical for atmospheric pressure
plasmas. The diagnostics best suited to achieve this are spectroscopic methods. Various
spectroscopic techniques have been applied to measure the density and temperature of
various species in the plasma. These diagnostics are established techniques, often for low
pressure plasmas, which have been improved to meet the specific requirements of APPJs.
The methods applied in this work are the active diagnostics laser scattering and laser induced
fluorescence (LIF), and the passive diagnostic optical emission spectroscopy (OES).
Laser scattering is a very direct method to obtain various plasma properties. The observed
scattering intensity from laser scattering experiments has three overlapping contributions:
Rayleigh scattering from heavy particles, used to determine the gas temperature;
Thomson scattering from free electrons, used to determine the electron density and electron
temperature; and Raman scattering from molecules, used to determine the densities
and the ground state rotational temperature of N2 and O2. The Rayleigh scattering signal
is filtered out optically with a triple grating spectrometer. The disentanglement of
the Thomson and Raman signals is done with a novel fitting method. This method allows
Thomson scattering measurements to be performed in gas mixtures containing air, which
was previously not possible.LIF is a very specific method to measure species densities, which has been used to measure the absolute density of nitric oxide (NO) in an APPJ. Absolute calibration was
performed using a pre-mixed gas containing NO. The rotational temperature of NO is
determined using a newly designed method to fit the rotational spectrum of NO. Depending
on the procedure with which the spectrum was obtained—by scanning the excitation
wavelength or the emission wavelength—the rotational temperature of respectively the
NO X ground state or the NO A excited state is obtained. It was found that the temperature
of NO A is significantly higher than of NO X. This was further investigated by
measuring the time resolved rotational spectrum of NO A using LIF. It was found that in
the used plasma conditions the thermalization time—the time it takes for the rotational
states to become in equilibrium—is much longer than previously assumed, and of the order
of the NO A lifetime. ¿is explains why the rotational emission spectrum of NO A
cannot be used to obtain the gas temperature.
The absolute O density has been measured using two-photon absorption laser induced
fluorescence (TALIF). The signal was absolutely calibrated using a gas mixture with a
known amount of Xe. In order to perform the calibration in situ under experimental
conditions, a new method was developed to determine the quenching of the Xe signal at
atmospheric pressure. The O densities measured in the coaxial microwave jet lead to the
conclusion that the O2 is almost fully dissociated. This is confirmed by measurements of
the O2 density by Raman scattering. For the RF jet the maximum O density is found to
be lower, but still significant in spite the lower power consumption and gas temperature
in these plasmas.
By combining the quantitative results of species densities with time resolved data from
OES measurements it was possible to derive mechanisms which qualitatively explain the
creation, excitation and destruction of plasma produced species such as O and NO inside
an APPJ.
To conclude, we have built up and improved laser diagnostic techniques that make
it possible to accurately measure plasma properties and species which are important in
plasma induced air chemistry in APPJs. The obtained results show that these densities can
be considerable, even at low power, and are strongly influenced by plasma source, power,
excitation frequency and feed gas composition. As the laser diagnostics can be applied in
ambient air under application conditions this opens opportunities towards development
of control mechanisms to deliver the optimum species densities necessary for applications.
The quantitative results of plasma properties are relevant for the fields of plasma
medicine, as well as material treatment, while the improvements made on diagnostics can
be used not only in the field of plasma physics, but also in other areas of research, such as
Originele taal-2 | Engels |
Kwalificatie | Doctor in de Filosofie |
Toekennende instantie |
Begeleider(s)/adviseur |
Datum van toekenning | 2 mei 2013 |
Plaats van publicatie | Eindhoven |
Uitgever | |
Gedrukte ISBN's | 978-90-386-3366-4 |
DOI's | |
Status | Gepubliceerd - 2013 |