INTEROP deliverable DTG 6.3 : tutorial on situational method engineering for interoperability

J. Ralyté, P. Backlund, M.A. Jeusfeld, H. Kühn, J.B.M. Goossenaerts, B. Elvesaeter, Nicolas Arni-Bloch, F. Lillehagen

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapportAcademic


This deliverable summarises the achievements of the TG6 in the form of tutorial entitled Situational Method Engineering for Interoperability. The tutorial starts with the introduction to situational method engineering and the motivation how this method engineering discipline could support enterprise systems interoperability projects. It includes the definition of a method chunk, the template for method chunks construction and examples of method chunks. Then, the notion of a method chunk repository (MCR) is defined and motivated. The main objective of such a repository is to support capitalisation and reuse of the methodological knowledge related to the interoperability domain. This knowledge can be extracted from existing methods and technique or captured from best practices and experience in realising various interoperability projects. Besides method chunks, the MCR also aims to capture knowledge about the application of these chunks in different projects and the evaluation of their fitness to these projects. The MCR became even more interesting if it is integrated into a collaborative method engineering tool (meta-case tool). In this tutorial we design the architecture of such a tool. We specify the actors interacting with the MCR and the services to be provided by the tool. Finally, the interoperability classification framework is proposed as an indexation mechanism to be used with the MCR. This framework aims to support method chunks characterisation in order to link method chunks to the interoperability problems they address. It also supports situation assessment of an application case (project) in order to identify the interoperability problems that occur in this case. Finally, this framework is a basis for the matching mechanism between the case situation and the method chunks. The last results of the TG6 have been published in the proceedings I-ESA’07. This paper has won the Best Paper Award; a copy is included in the appendix.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieBrussel
UitgeverijInterop Network of Excellence
Aantal pagina's48
StatusGepubliceerd - 2007


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