Inertial oscillations in a confined monopolar vortex subjected to background rotation

M. Durán Matute, L.P.J. Kamp, R.R. Trieling, G.J.F. Heijst, van

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We study the axisymmetric inertial oscillations in a confined monopolar vortex under the influence of background rotation. By first focusing on the inviscid linear dynamics, and later studying the effects of viscosity and of a no-slip bottom, we characterize the effects of rotation and confinement. It was found that background rotation allows for oscillations outside the vortex core even with frequencies larger than 2O, with O the background rotation rate. However, confinement is necessary for the system to sustain oscillations with frequencies smaller than 2O. Through the analytical solution for a small perturbation of a Rankine vortex, we obtain five regimes where the oscillations are qualitatively different, depending on their frequency. Numerical results for the linear inviscid waves sustained by a Lamb–Oseen vortex show a similar behavior. The effects of viscosity are twofold: the oscillations are damped and the vortex sustaining the oscillations is modified. When a no-slip bottom is considered, a boundary layer drives a secondary motion superimposed on the inertial oscillations. In this case, the vortex is quickly damped, but the oscillations persist due to the background rotation.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)116602-1/13
Aantal pagina's13
TijdschriftPhysics of Fluids
Nummer van het tijdschrift11
StatusGepubliceerd - 2009


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