Hand held control unit for controlling a display screen-oriented computer game, and a display screen-oriented computer game having one or more such control units

J.F.M. Achard van Enschut, d' (Uitvinder)

    Onderzoeksoutput: OctrooiOctrooi-publicatie

    48 Downloads (Pure)


    A hand-held control unit is used to control a display screen-oriented computer game. The unit comprises a housing with a front side, a set of control members lying generally flush with the front side for through actuating thereof controlling actions of in-game display items, and an output for communicating representative signals of the actuating to the computer for controlling game actions displayed on the display screen. The control unit has at the front side a representation of an associated game item which generally coincides with one or more of the control members that are thereby functionally integrated with the representation.
    Originele taal-2Engels
    StatusGepubliceerd - 27 feb. 2001


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