Framing the (un)sustainability of AI: Environmental, social & democratic aspects

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureHoofdstukAcademicpeer review


Increasingly, the European Commission, businesses and academics perceive the use of digital technologies as fundamental to reaching sustainability goals. In particular, artificial intelligence (AI) is recognized as crucial for enhancing our understanding of the environment, supporting decision-making, and addressing sustainability challenges through increased efficiency and innovative services. However, the growing implementation of AI in various sectors also brings potential negative impacts on sustainability. This chapter explores this duality. First, we analyse ecological sustainability: the impact of AI on the natural or ecological environment. Second, we analyse social or democratic sustainability: the impact of AI on social equality and democracy. In this way, we emphasize strategies to manage the twin transitions in a way that, (1) considers a broad spectrum of related environmental costs, and (2) bolsters democratic governance towards a more sustainable society.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelDigital Technologies for Sustainable Futures
SubtitelPromises and Pitfalls
RedacteurenChiara Certomà, Fabio Iapaolo, Federico Martellozzo
UitgeverijTaylor and Francis Ltd.
Aantal pagina's19
ISBN van elektronische versie9781003441311
ISBN van geprinte versie9781032578545, 9781032578514
StatusGeaccepteerd/In druk - 1 aug. 2024


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