Framing Heerlen

Onderzoeksoutput: Niet-tekstuele vormExhibitiePopulair


How can one look differently to the scenery of our everyday life? This was the prompt for an installation organized in collaboration with Breg Horemans and Schunck* for the Dutch Day of Architecture 2018 in Heerlen (as well as Jim Stephenson, who documented the entire process). As a temporary urban intervention, Framing Heerlen was a node in a network of activities organized by the Schunck* to explore Heerlen’s modern heritage in new and original ways. Effectively, it was the meeting point for interpretive tours guided by artists exploring empty modern building through a heightened awareness of one’s own body.

Created with a simple scaffolding system put together in a rather unconventional way, the installation attempted to draw attention to Heerlen’s modern heritage by framing certain details and provide a space for discussion. The installation aimed to be a machine for viewing, an apparatus to change perceptions, but also a place of encounter. Such encounters were also stimulated by the installation’s construction, as local children were invited to clad the structure with weaved patterns of plastic tape. As they weaved (first in their school and later on site), the children claimed ownership of the structure, and with it, of their surroundings, occupying and appropriating the spaces within and around the installation with their games and plays.

Through framing, the installation emphasized both details and relations that would have otherwise been missed
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - jun. 2018
EvenementFraming Heerlen - Heerlen, Nederland
Duur: 1 jun. 20183 jun. 2018


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