Fingerprint template protection using minutia-pair spectral representations

Taras Stanko, Bin Chen, Boris Skoric

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademic

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Storage of biometric data requires some form of template protection in order to preserve the privacy of people enrolled in a biometric database. One approach is to use a Helper Data System. Here it is necessary to transform the raw biometric measurement into a fixed-length representation. In this paper we extend the spectral function approach of Stanko and Skoric [WIFS2017], which provides such a fixed-length representation for fingerprints. First, we introduce a new spectral function that captures different information from the minutia orientations. It is complementary to the original spectral function, and we use both of them to extract information from a fingerprint image. Second, we construct a helper data system consisting of zero-leakage quantisation followed by the Code Offset Method. We show empirical data which demonstrates that applying our helper data system causes only a small performance penalty compared to fingerprint authentication based on the unprotected spectral functions.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's9
StatusGepubliceerd - 5 apr. 2018


  • cs.CR


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