Extremum-seeking control for steady-state performance optimization of nonlinear plants with time-varying steady-state outputs

L. Hazeleger, N. van de Wouw (Begeleider)

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapportAcademic

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Extremum-seeking control is a useful tool for the steady-state performance optimization of plants for which the dynamics and disturbance situation can be unknown. The case when steady-state plant outputs are constant received a lot of attention, however, in many applications time-varying outputs characterize plant performance. As a result, no static parameter-to-steady-state performance map can be obtained. Recently, we proposed an extremum-seeking control method that uses a so-called dynamic cost function to cope with these time-varying outputs. We showed that, under appropriate conditions, the solutions of the extremum-seeking control scheme are uniformly ultimately bounded in view of bounded and time-varying external disturbances, and the region of convergence towards the optimal tunable plant parameters can be made arbitrarily small. In this technical report, a proof of the local stability result is presented.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieEindhoven
UitgeverijEindhoven University of Technology
Aantal pagina's36
StatusGepubliceerd - 2018

Publicatie series

NaamTechnical report


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