title = "Extending the agile development process to develop acceptably secure software",
abstract = "The agile software development approach makes developing secure software challenging. Existing approaches for extending the agile development process, which enables incremental and iterative software development, fall short of providing a method for efficiently ensuring the security of the software increments produced at the end of each iteration. This paper (a) proposes a method for security reassurance of software increments and demonstrates it through a simple case study, (b) integrates security engineering activities into the agile software development process and uses the security reassurance method to ensure producing acceptably secure{for the business owner{software increments at the end of each iteration, and (c) discusses the compliance of the proposed method with the agile values and its ability to produce secure software increments.",
author = "{Ben Othmane}, L. and P. Angin and H.T.G. Weffers and B. Bhargava",
year = "2013",
language = "English",
series = "Computer science reports",
publisher = "Technische Universiteit Eindhoven",