Extending Shell's Blue H2 application range and de-risking of oxyfiring technology

Mara Chavani

Onderzoeksoutput: ScriptieEngD Thesis


Hydrogen is emerging as a crucial element in the fight against climate change, with the Shell Blue Hydrogen Process (SBHP) leading the charge. Shell’s blue hydrogen process combines the Shell Gasification Process (SGP) with its proprietary method for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other advanced technologies. This approach produces hydrogen from natural gas while capturing up to 99% of the carbon dioxide emissions, making it a cost-effective and efficient low-carbon alternative that supports heavy industries in reducing their carbon footprint.
The aim of this work is to expand the operating window of the SBHP to handle heavier gas feeds than natural gas. Since gasifying heavier feeds results in increased soot formation, this project seeks to extend the operational limits of the soot removal process to manage this challenge effectively.
Another goal of this work is to reduce the overall carbon emissions of the SBHP, particularly direct CO2 emissions (scope 1). To achieve this, alternative firing technologies like synthetic air and oxygen firing are being explored to recover energy from a waste gas stream. Firing in pure or enriched oxygen environments can achieve higher CO2 capture rates and reduce emissions. The study found that this method offers significant advantages over the conventional air-firing of the SBHP, being more efficient and cost-effective, and achieving carbon capture rates up to 99.6%.
To optimize these solutions, conducting rigorous pilot tests and partnering with specialized vendors are crucial. These measures will guarantee efficient and sustainable hydrogen production with minimal environmental impact.
Originele taal-2Engels
  • Peters, E.A.J.F. (Frank), Begeleider
  • Hultermans, Toine, Begeleider
  • Rovers, Stefan A., Externe begeleider
Plaats van publicatieEindhoven
StatusGepubliceerd - 4 okt. 2024

Bibliografische nota

EngD thesis. - Confidential.


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