Exploring Multistability through Ambiguity for AI-powered Self-tracking Data Representation

Chiara Di Lodovico, Sara Colombo

    Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresOtherAcademic

    100 Downloads (Pure)


    Current data representations in AI-powered self-tracking wearable systems convey an objective, one-fits-all and top-down perspective
    over tracked activities, often leading to tensions between subjective experience and objectified self, unintended effects, and abandonment
    of devices. Scholarly design guidelines suggest moving towards more personalized experiences integrating subjective stance in both the
    data collection and consequent prediction and data representation, however, this is an underexplored field.We argue that multistability
    and ambiguity could be adopted as research approaches to explore individuals’ multiple interpretations of self-tracking data with
    respect to their personal goals, values and needs. The ultimate goal is to customize data representations through AI.
    Originele taal-2Engels
    StatusGepubliceerd - 1 mei 2022
    EvenementCHI 2022 Workshop on Grand Challenges for Personal Informatics and AI -
    Duur: 11 mei 202211 mei 2022


    WorkshopCHI 2022 Workshop on Grand Challenges for Personal Informatics and AI


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