Experimental investigation of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) by Thomson scattering and optical emission spectroscopy

E.A.D. Carbone, S. Hubner, M. Jimenez Diaz, J.M. Palomares Linares, E.I. Iordanova, W.A.A.D. Graef, A. Gamero, J.J.A.M. Mullen, van der

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The electron temperature of an argon surface wave discharge generated by a surfatron plasma at intermediate pressures is measured by optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and Thomson scattering (TS). The OES method, namely absolute line intensity (ALI) measurements gives an electron temperature which is found to be (more or less) constant along the plasma column. TS, on the other hand, shows a different behaviour; the electron temperature is not constant but rises in the direction of the wave propagation. In the pressure range of this study, it is theoretically known that deviations from Maxwell equilibrium are expected towards the end of the plasma column. In this paper, we propose a combination of methods to probe the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in this relatively high-pressure regime. The ALI method combined with a collisional–radiative model allows one to measure the effective (Maxwellian) creation temperature of the plasma while TS measures the mean electron energy of the EEDF. The differences between the two temperature methods can be explained by the changes in the form of the EEDF along the plasma column. A strong correlation is found with decreasing ionization degree for different pressures. Numerical calculations of the EEDF with a Boltzmann solver are used to investigate the departure from a Maxwellian EEDF. The relatively higher electron temperature found by TS compared with the ALI measurements is finally quantitatively correlated with the departure from a Maxwellian EEDF with a depleted tail.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)475202-1/12
Aantal pagina's12
TijdschriftJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Nummer van het tijdschrift47
StatusGepubliceerd - 2012


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