Exhibition at SustainabilityDay@TU/e

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In the exhibition we presented 14 inspiring projects across our Department Built Environment to showcase our sustainability activities in the exposition of the Sustainability Day @ TU/e on Thursday, 03 October 2024, in the Voorhof Autitorium, TU/e campus.
The exhibition brought together TU/e colleagues, students, and societal partners. The goal of the exhibition during Sustainability Day was threefold: 1 Inform: Celebrating our sustainability contribution of #SustainabilityTUe and showing which sustainable projects, institutions and developments are taking place at TU/e. 2Connect: Strengthening the TU/e sustainability network by promoting collaboration and connections between different parties. 3 Inspire: Providing a platform for parties to showcase their sustainable values and activities that, together with TU/e, serve as an example for society and promote the acceleration of the sustainability transition.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 3 okt. 2024


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