Evaluating value design workshop at collaborative design sessions

    Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageAcademicpeer review

    2 Citaten (Scopus)
    72 Downloads (Pure)


    Setting up collaboration is getting increasingly important in design practice. It is also valuable to involve the stakeholders early in the design process for gathering deeper insights and arriving at innovative ideas. However, high level of uncertainty in the early stages of the process can be an obstacle to initiate collaboration. We are developing a method to support the initiation of multi-stakeholder collaboration, which aims to develop a design concept by integrating user insight with business insight in a single design process. We incorporated our assumptions in a workshop format, which is a combination of a tool and a process, named Value Design Workshop. To identify the opportunities for improvement, we evaluated how the participants experienced the workshop format in a multi-stakeholder session. We gathered participant evaluations based on quality in use criteria by using a post-session questionnaire. The paper presents our findings on the requirements of multi-stakeholder sessions and design improvements for our method.

    Originele taal-2Engels
    TitelNordDesign 2014 Conference, NordDesign 2014
    Plaats van productieAalto
    UitgeverijAalto University
    Aantal pagina's11
    ISBN van elektronische versie9781904670582
    StatusGepubliceerd - 1 jan. 2014
    Evenement10th Biannual NordDesign Conference, NordDesign 2014: Creating Together - Espoo, Finland
    Duur: 27 aug. 201429 aug. 2014
    Congresnummer: 10


    Congres10th Biannual NordDesign Conference, NordDesign 2014
    Verkorte titelNordDesign 2014
    AnderNordDesign 2014


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