End-to-End Megacity Logistics: A Stochastic Dynamic Order-Assignment and Dispatching Problem

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The growth of e-commerce requires efficient integration of first-mile pickup, middle-mile consolidation, and last-mile delivery. These so-called integrated end-to-end logistics operations are particularly visible in megacities where fast delivery services are in high demand. In this paper, inspired by real-world practices at our industry partner, we introduce the Stochastic Dynamic Order-Assignment and Dispatching Problem (SDOA-DP). It concerns stochastic and dynamic pickup-and-delivery orders arising at an end-to-end logistics delivery platform, for which the decision maker needs to determine in real-time how to assign orders to middle-mile linehaul schedules and when to dispatch first- and last-mile two-echelon vehicle routes. We model the SDOA-DP as a Markov Decision Process and propose a novel solution approach based on a parameterized Cost Function Approximation (CFA) for order assignment in the middle mile and a parameterized Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) for vehicle dispatch and two-echelon routing in the first and last-mile. The CFA balances the cost of using linehauls with the time slack available for first- and last-mile planning while ensuring time windows are met. The parameterization in the ALNS ensures that we balance between routing cost and delivery speed by limiting the frequency and timing of dispatching vehicle routes. We learn the best value of the parameterization using Bayesian optimization. Computational experiments show that our approach yields an 18% on-average improvement compared to heuristic approaches. If we learn a single best parameterization for various system settings, we observe almost as good cost savings, showing that our approach is robust and reliable for practitioners. Finally, we applied our method to a case study of our industry partner and showed that we can potentially reduce costs by 46% across various operational contexts.
Originele taal-2Engels
UitgeverSocial Science Research Network (SSRN)
Aantal pagina's32
StatusGepubliceerd - 26 jul. 2024


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