Encouraging physical activity through wearable technology

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Physical inactivity is a growing public health concern resulting in a rise of non-communicable diseases. This has lead into an increased awareness and importance of striving for a healthy lifestyle within our society. Despite the lessening of thresholds and barriers to get involved in individual and unorganized recreational sports (such as running, walking cycling and fitness), for many people the challenge remains to become and maintain being physically active. One of the reasons is that exercise is simply not intrinsically enjoyable for the majority of people but is known for its short-term costs (e.g. sweating, physical pain, effort, time constraints). Through designing wearable technology, we explore ways to support and engage people in being active by encouraging them in a more personal and distinctive approach. Our first case-study presents Aymée, a smart bra that changes its pattern based on the amount of physical activity. Through this interaction, Aymée aims to reinforce women recovering from breast cancer to feel good about themselves and to be (more) active. Our second case-study presents a color changing shirt for female runners that provides an encouraging quote before a run, aiming to support motivation. Both cases aim to address the individual needs of the wearer, resulting in feedback that is considered more personal and distinctive.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's1
StatusGepubliceerd - 27 nov. 2018
Evenement5th Data Science Summit (DSSE 2018) - Muziekgebouw Frits Philips, Eindhoven, Nederland
Duur: 27 nov. 201827 nov. 2018
Congresnummer: 5


Andere5th Data Science Summit (DSSE 2018)
Verkorte titelDSSE 2018


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