Electron energy distribution function close to the mode transition region in an inductively coupled gaseous electronics conference reference cell

S.V. Singh, P. Kempkes, H. Soltwisch

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The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in the E to H mode transition region of an inductively coupled argon discharge has been studied experimentally. The EEDF, which has a Maxwellian- or Druyvesteyn-like shape (depending on pressure) in both "pure" modes, shows a trend to a bi-Maxwellian shape in the vicinity of both the E to H and the H to E mode transitions. Moreover, the normalized electron energy probability functions closely before the E to H and the reverse H to E mode jumps are almost identical, indicating a similar power coupling at both transition points. ©2006 American Institute of Physics
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)161501-1/3
Aantal pagina's3
TijdschriftApplied Physics Letters
Nummer van het tijdschrift16
StatusGepubliceerd - 2006


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