Efficient Computational Methods for Turbulent Boundary-layer H2-air Flashback Prediction

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresPaperAcademic

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The current computational work aims to quantitatively understand the flashback phenomena to validate a practical gas turbine combustor for flexible fuel operation from 100% Natural Gas to 100% H2 and any mixture thereof at a low emissions level. Generally, the past studies have extensively used the two configurations to study flashback, namely, jet premixed flames and divergent channel. This current study contains computational results using detailed kinetics for jet premixed H2-air premixed flames to predict flashback. The study highlights the importance of grid sizes for accurately capturing the net hydrogen reaction rates for predicting flashbacks.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's2
StatusGepubliceerd - 11 nov. 2021
EvenementCombura 2021 Symposium, NVV 2021 - Soesterberg, Nederland
Duur: 10 nov. 202111 nov. 2021


CongresCombura 2021 Symposium, NVV 2021
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