Effect of elevated pressures on laminar burning velocity of Methane+air mixtures using heat flux method

M. Goswami, S.C.R. Derks, K. Coumans, M.H. Andrade Oliveira, de, A.A. Konnov, R.J.M. Bastiaans, C.C.M. Luijten, L.P.H. Goey, de

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageAcademicpeer review

Originele taal-2Engels
TitelProceedings of the 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), Irvine, USA, July 24-29, 2011
Aantal pagina's7
StatusGepubliceerd - 2011
Evenement23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS2011), 24-29 July 2011, Irvine, USA - Irvine, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Duur: 24 jul. 201129 jul. 2011


Congres23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS2011), 24-29 July 2011, Irvine, USA
Verkorte titelICDERS2011
Land/RegioVerenigde Staten van Amerika
AnderInternational colloquim of dynamics of explosion and reactive systems

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