Effect of asymmetric material entrance on lubrication in cold rolling

L.J.M. Jacobs (Corresponding author), K.N.H. van Dam, D.J. Wentink, M.B. de Rooij, J. van der Lugt, D.J. Schipper, J.P.M. Hoefnagels

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

7 Citaten (Scopus)
31 Downloads (Pure)


An Integrated Digital Image Correlation (IDIC) method has been applied to the cold rolling process, the images clearly visualise the geometry of the roll bite and the inlet zone. A key, novel finding is that despite using coils and applying entry tension, the strip can enter asymmetrically in the rolling mill. Moreover, it is shown that asymmetric strip feeding results in an uneven lubricant film thickness between top and bottom strip surface. A method is detailed to feed the strip truly symmetrically in the mill, a procedure that is necessary for a meaningful experimental validation of lubricant film thickness models. For symmetric rolling processes the measured film thickness corresponds significantly better with the theory than for asymmetric processes.

Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's13
TijdschriftTribology International
StatusGepubliceerd - nov. 2022


The authors kindly thank Tata Steel for permission to publish this document. Furthermore they like to thank Daphne van de Giesen, Hans Weel and Brian du Pont for their help in setting up the experiments and carrying out the pilot mill trials. The help of Erwin Spelbos with the camera and the technical support of Marc van Maris at the TU/e was greatly appreciated. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


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