Editorial Special Issue Interaction With Artificial Intelligence Systems: New Human-Centered Perspectives and Challenges

Merylin Monaro, Emilia Barakova, Nicolò Navarin

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftEditorialAcademicpeer review

6 Citaten (Scopus)
62 Downloads (Pure)


The papers in this special section focus on the interaction with artificial intelligence (AI) systems using human-centered applications. AI methods are being applied to numerous areas, including medicine, security, transportation, industry, smart homes and cities, business, social sciences, and psychology. AI is currently a part of our daily lives. People interact continuously with AI: it is inside houses, computers, mobile phones, and applications. AI can make predictions and give suggestions for movies, songs, or future purchases based on our previous choices. It affects the society and economy. People are fascinated by AI in the ways it improves and facilitates human life (improving health care and discharging workers from heavy or dangerous jobs). People are also concerned with AI’s implementation risks, such as ethical, security, and privacy issues. There are also concerns that AI machines may replace humans in various activities. AI researchers and practitioners have been facing these issues and further research is needed to design technical and regulatory applicable solutions. This special issue (SI) investigates a broad range of issues deriving from human interaction with AI. We encouraged interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary contributions toward understanding how AI could improve human life in various fields.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)326-331
Aantal pagina's6
TijdschriftIEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
Nummer van het tijdschrift3
StatusGepubliceerd - 1 jun. 2022


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