Droplet collection in a scaled-up rotating separator

J.P. Kroes

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    Separation of droplets from a gas stream is a frequent operation in natural gas processing. The trend towards remote, contaminated fields demands compact, efficient and reliable demisting equipment. A new challenge is the cleaning of highly contaminated natural gas. In a novel process called condensed rotational separation (CRS), natural gas contaminants (CO2 and H2S) are removed by condensation. The low surface tension of the condensing species leads to a fine mist of 1{10 micron droplets, entrained in the clean gas stream. In CRS, the condensed droplets are separated from the gas in a rotating phase separator (RPS). The core of the RPS is a rotating element: a bundle of channels (tubes), contained in a cylinder which rotates around its axis. When a particle laden gas is led through the rotating channels, the centrifugal force drives the particles (droplets) towards the walls. The radial traveling distance of droplets is small as compared to the channel length. This effects the efficient separation of particles as small as 1 micron. To verify scaling laws and liquid removal, a full scale prototype was built at the Eindhoven University of Technology, based on a previous small scale CH4/CO2 test unit at Shell Global solutions in Amsterdam. The prototype was tested at atmospheric conditions, using air and water. The test rig models an 80 mmscfd (24 m3 n/s) natural gas installation, which, in terms of volume flow, is equivalent to an entire gas well. In previous RPS applications (e.g. air filtration, flue gas filtering), the flow inside the channels was laminar. However, high volume flow/high fluid density applications in the oil and gas industry are characterized by unstable or even turbulent channel flow. To quantify the effect of flow instabilities and turbulent mixing on the separation efficiency, a good measurement accuracy is needed. In order to determine the separation efficiency as a function of droplet size, a mist injection system was built and droplet size distributions were measured by means of laser diffraction particle sizing. The accuracy was improved by paying specific attention to channel entrance effects and vignetting in the laser diffraction system, plus reducing side leakage along the rotating element. By varying the gas flow rate and element rotation speed, the efficiency curve was measured in a large operating range. Compared to previous measurements in literature obtained with laminar RPS units, the accuracy was improved and better correspondence to theory was obtained. We further completed the theory of laminar efficiency for rectangular channels. In high pressure natural gas installations like CRS, a large gas density and high flowrates induce turbulent conditions within the rotating channels. To simulate high Reynolds numbers in the atmospheric test setup, an element with enlarged channels was built. To maintain the same separation efficiency, the element and prototype also had to be elongated. The subsequently obtained results are the first with unstable/turbulent flow till date. In the turbulent regime, measurements showed good correspondence to direct numerical simulations (DNS) of particle laden rotating pipe flow. Further investigation of the DNS results yielded a new model which characterizes the effect of mixing on the separation efficiency. For bulk Reynolds numbers below 2000, poor separation efficiencies were found due to flow instabilities in otherwise laminar flow. It is well known that nonrotating pipe flow becomes turbulent at bulk Reynolds numbers Re > 2000. However, sufficient rotation causes pipe flow to become unstable against in finitesimal disturbances already at Re = 83. The instabilities induce traveling spiral waves inside the rotating channels, which tend to trap particles and undo their separation. This is specifically relevant in RPS applications for oil/water separation. The negative effect of the spiral waves was taken into account by a new empirical correction factor. The measurement method was further applied to cyclones and vane packs. For axial cyclones an accompanying model was introduced, based on realistic vortex profiles. A benchmark was made for the efficiency of three types of demisters for natural gas processing: vane packs, cyclone decks and rotating elements.
    Originele taal-2Engels
    KwalificatieDoctor in de Filosofie
    Toekennende instantie
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Brouwers, Bert, Promotor
    • Golombok, Michael, Promotor
    • van Kemenade, Erik, Co-Promotor
    Datum van toekenning20 mrt. 2012
    Plaats van publicatieEindhoven
    Gedrukte ISBN's978-90-386-3109-7
    StatusGepubliceerd - 2012


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