Designing a comparison model for lighting control systems

A. Simouli

Onderzoeksoutput: ScriptieEngD Thesis

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The lighting control market has been going through a great transformation and many players, from traditional lighting companies to innovative start-ups, offer a big range of solutions. However, there is no straight-forward comparison method for the evaluation and ranking of all the different lighting control systems (LCS) that are available. This report introduces a structured way to compare LCSs on performance and financial level. By market segmentation, use of appropriate KPIs and data normalization the comparison of LCSs is brought down to one number. This model was applied for standalone and connected LCSs for office applications. For confidentiality reasons the systems that are compared are named System A, System B, etc.
Originele taal-2Engels
  • Barosan, Ion, Begeleider
  • Wetzker, Gunnar, Externe begeleider, Externe Persoon
Datum van toekenning24 feb. 2015
Plaats van publicatieEindhoven
Gedrukte ISBN's978-90-444-1348-9
StatusGepubliceerd - 2015

Bibliografische nota

Eindverslag. - Confidential until 01-01-2017


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